
Untuk blog ni,Izzati akan buat food reviews dan juga product reviews.Semua post ni berdasarkan pengalaman atau citarasa Izzati sendiri dan juga orang-orang yang terdekat dengan Izzati,InsyaAllah semua reviews Izzati adalah transparent dan tak ada yang sugarcoat.. jadi jangan risau okay ..

*Notis : Kalau ada sesiapa yang berminat untuk Izzati buat reviews atau iklankan apa - apa boleh email Izzati ye but with terms and condition la,Izzati buat secara percuma sahaja memandangkan Blog ni masih sangat baru dan pengunjung pun macam tak ada *lols* tapi Izzati akan share dekat semua jenis media sosial untuk tarik readers dan pelanggan.Tak berminat takpe,duduk diam je *muwahahah* ^^ ..

Terima Kasih ^^ ..


For this blog,I will make a food reviews as well as product reviews.Every reviews that I make will be transparent and I will not sugarcoat them and solely based on my experience / opinion and also people who close to me like my family and friends or the ones that I trust.So there's no need to be worried ..

Notice : If there is anyone who's willingly to let me advertise your product's and whatnot,you could email me and I will give you the terms and condition.. fear not as I will not charge any fee since my blog is very-the-new but I will make sure to advertise your product's in my social media's to attract readers and customers.If you're not interested then just sit and keep quiet *muwahahah* ^^ ..

Thank You ^^ ..

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