Sunday 20 December 2015

Resepi #Izzatikitchen : Fudge (Super Easy / Sangat Senang).

As-Salam ..

Baru semalam post resepi chocolate brownies,harini dah post resepi fudge pulok,see? sangat - sangat komited kan ? *muwahahah!* .. disebabkan malam semalam dok godek-godek pinterest maka dapat idea lagi nak post resepi ape.Fudge ni dah bertahun dulu dah Izzati godek-godek tapi tak berkesempatan nak buat dan sebenarnya belum buat pun lagi tapi sesaje rajin nak post resepi dulu baru buat,nanti bila Izzati dah buat baru update entry ni dan letak gambar hasil pembuatan Izzati sekali ye.But for now please just enjoy the recipe first. Muahh! .. (malas nak type panjang citenye ..).

Resepi / Recipe : Fudge ( 2-Ingredients or variety / 2-Bahan atau pelbagai).

Bahan / Ingredients : -

- 1 atau 3/4 Tin Susu Pekat Manis  / 1 or 3/4 can Sweetened Condensed Milk

- 3 atau 2 1/2 cawan Coklat Hitam butang atau coklat kompaun (boleh guna coklat putih dan coklat perisa lain) / 3 or 2 1/2 cups Dark Chocolate Button / Chocolate Compound (you can use white chocolate and any other chocolates).

* - 1 sudu kecil Esen Vanila / 1 teaspoon Vanila Essence (optional / tak wajib pun letak).*

* - 1 cawan buah Kranberi kering atau Apa-apa buah kering dan kekacang / 1 cup Dried Cranberry / Raisins / Any Dried Fruits and nuts (Optional / Tak letak pun takpe).*

* - 1/4 atau 1/2 cawan mentega / 1/4 or 1/2 cup butter (totally optional / tak letak pun takpe).


Cara-cara / Instruction : -

1. - Mula - mula cairkan coklat tadi dengan kaedah double boiler.
- Firstly you need to melts the chocolate using double boiler method.

2. - Lepas coklat dicairkan sebati,biarkan suam (jangan panas dan jangan sampai sejuk) dan campurkan susu pekat ke dalam coklat tadi dan kacau sebati.Kalau nak letak buah kering yang dicincang atau dipotong kecil pun boleh dan kacau sebati.

- After the chocolate is well melts,let it cool down to only warm (not too cool nor too hot,just warm) and you put the condensed milk in the chocolate and mix it well.If you want to add dried fruits,just mix them all together.

3. - Kemudian setelah dikacau sebati,letakkan baking paper atau kertas minyak di permukaan bekas atau baking tray yang lebar dan nipis (ikut suka korang nak tebal nipis ke cane ye) dan tuangkan adunan pekat tadi ke dalam bekas 8inci  / 9inci tersebut sambil tekan padat dan spread bancuhan tu bagi sama rata dengan menggunakan spatula (dia sepatutnya jadi agak pekat atau pekat ye adunan tu).

- And then after you mix it well,put a baking paper on top of the 8inch / 9inch tray that you desire (I suggest you to used a wide and thin baking tray) and pour the batter to the tray and spread it evenly using spatula (the batter supposed to be quite thick or thick).

4. - Akhir sekali letakkan dalam peti sejuk dan biarkan paling kurang 2 atau 3 jam untuk mengental atau mengeraskan fudge tu tadi.

- Last but not least,put them in the fridge for at least 2 or 3 hours to let it cool and set.

5. - Korang guna dua bahan je pun dah cukup tau (susu pekat dan coklat masakan).. Selepas disejukkan,bawa keluar dan biarkan 5 atau 10 minit macamtu kemudian potong dan nikmati! ..

- You can even use only two ingredients you know (condensed milk and chocolate).. After it cools,get it out of the fridge and let it rest at room temperature for about 5 or 10 minutes and then you cut it and enjoy! ..

- SIAP! / DONE! -

Contoh Gambar Fudge / Credits to Google

Heheh ..  senang ya amat kan? Izzati rasa Izzati akan suka sangat buat ni sebab senang lepastu enjoy sangat,sedap pulak tu!.Banyak sangat idea untuk mempelbagaikan resepi fudge ni,kita boleh tambah hampir ape saje dalam adunan dia dan boleh makan dengan apa saje,best kan!? tapi pastikan jangan terlebih makan udahlah,karang tak pepasal dapat macam-macam penyakit .. heheh ..

English Translation : -
Heheh .. it's super easy right? I think I will love making them as they were enjoyable and yummy!. The idea on what to do with it almost endless since you could almost add anything in it and eat anything with it,how great is that!? just make sure you don't overeat it them though,i'm sure you don't want to be diagnosed with diabetic hehe ..

Notice : I'll update this entry later to put some photos of the process and finished product.Sorry for the inconvenience! .. Muahh!.

Thanks a bunch for reading this entry! ~

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